The True Cost of Sugar: Economic trade-offs in conventional, organic and Fairtrade sugarcane and sugar beet production.
Sugar is an important economic commodity that is produced and consumed around the world. The impacts of different production methods differ on social, economic, and environmental aspects. This research focuses on the economic tradeoffs in conventional, organic, and Fairtrade sugarcane production in India and sugar beet production in the Netherlands. Previous research provides insights into single production methods, but a complete comparison between different production methods is currently lacking. Data was collected using both literature research and interviews in the Netherlands and India. After developing a Multi-Criteria Analysis, it is concluded that organic sugarcane and Fairtrade sugarcane rank slightly higher than conventional sugarcane on the economic criteria. However, conventional sugar beet and organic sugar beet rank higher on all economic aspects, with conventional sugar beet ranking the highest. The main differences between the production methods can be seen in the innovation and to a lesser extent the in the production.
sugar production, economic tradeoff, Fairtrade, India, Netherlands, multi-criteria analysis
How to Cite
den Boer, J., (2021) “The True Cost of Sugar: Economic trade-offs in conventional, organic and Fairtrade sugarcane and sugar beet production.”, Science for Sustainability (S4S) Journal 4(1). doi: