Editorial Team

GO VU Research Team

There are three main functions of the governance structure: the editor, their editorial board, and the quality control (QC) team. The editor position is to be fulfilled by the research coordinator who is hired on a yearly basis to manage the research portfolio of the GO, including the journal. The editorial board is then comprised of Team Research, a selection of 3 student volunteers from the VU community which similarly rotates on a yearly basis.

Quality Control – Responsibilities & Peer Review Process

The quality control team is presently made up of a selection of 5 VU academic staff of a variety of backgrounds relating to sustainability. The current composition includes: Onno Kuik (Faculty of Sciences (IVM), Environmental Economics) Philipp Pattberg (Faculty of Sciences (IVM), Environmental Policy Analysis) Marjan Groot (Faculty of Humanities) Christopher Wickert (School of Business and Economics, Management and Organisation) Koen van Bommel (School of Business and Economics, Management and Organisation) These are expanded as demand requires.